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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2014/6/25來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng )查看次數:2800次



湘潭離心機之林化制品應用,森林資源為三大資源之一,與人類(lèi)息息相關(guān),構成人類(lèi)賴(lài)以生存的生態(tài)環(huán)境。林化制品是利用森林資源,采用物理,化學(xué)方法進(jìn)行加工精制而成的產(chǎn)品,它保持了物質(zhì)的天然特性,而受到人們青睞。產(chǎn)品來(lái)自綠色資源,受污染少,安全性好。林化制品主要有松香、松節油、松焦油、木炭、活性炭、栲膠、紫膠、糠醛、酒精、酵母、樟腦、芳香油、木材紙漿等等。林化制品涉及面廣,產(chǎn)品廣泛應用于化工、輕工、日用化工、醫藥衛生、油漆涂料、石油、治金、紡織、煤炭、交通、水產(chǎn)等各行各業(yè)。林化制品中的松香、樟腦、芳香油等還是重要的出口物資,可以為國家賺取外匯。利用森林資源發(fā)展林化制品,既提高了森林資源的綜合利用率,變廢為寶,又繁榮了山區經(jīng)濟,為山區人們創(chuàng )造財富,改善人民生活,對發(fā)展我國國民經(jīng)濟,實(shí)現社會(huì )主義現代化具有重要作用。

Forest resources is one of the three major resources, is closely related to human life, ecological environment for human survival. Forest products is the use of forest resources, by physical, chemical methods were processed and refined products, it maintains the natural characteristics of the substance, and favored by people. Products from the green resources, the less pollution, good safety. Forest chemical products are mainly rosin, turpentine, pine tar, charcoal, activated carbon, extract, LAC, furfural, alcohol, yeast, camphor, aromatic oil, wood pulp and so on. Involved in a wide range of chemical products, products widely used in chemical industry, light industry, daily chemical, medicine, paint, oil, metallurgy, textile, coal, transportation, aquaculture and other industries. Forest chemical products of rosin, camphor, aromatic oil is an important export goods, to earn foreign exchange for the country. Utilization of forest resources and forest products development, which can not only improve the comprehensive utilization rate of forest resources, turning waste into treasure, but also the prosperity of the economy in mountainous areas, to create wealth for the people in mountain area, improve people's lives, the development of China's national economy, which plays an important role in the realization of socialist modernization.



The forest resources are inexhaustible, not taking off forest products raw material, it can be naturally reproductive growth, can also artificial breeding. The rapid increase of population on the earth, the deterioration of the environment, people all think of returning to the nature of Taoyuan life, green products are halal enjoyment. The forest is a young and fast development of the industry, its product because of its security is better as a cause for concern, and the forest has a broad future.


標簽:湘潭離心機 | 活塞推料離心機 | 臥螺卸料離心機