
 13873100421@139.com   13873100421(戴)
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2014/6/25來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng )查看次數:3030次




Automatic control system to overcome the interference, stable process system, the various interference into the proportion, differential, integral rules, in order to overcome the interference, corresponding to the proportion, integral, differential control law.


比例調節規律是調節器輸出與被測參數的偏差值成比例的調節規律。比例調節規律在時(shí)間上沒(méi)有延遲,調節及時(shí)。特征常數為比例度,比例度越小調節作用越強,調節作用太強會(huì )引起振蕩,但調節作用太小又起不到應有的調節作用。

Proportional control law is bias regulator output and the values of the parameters to be measured is proportional to the regulation of law. The law regulating the proportion of no delay in time, timely adjustment. Character constant proportion, the proportion of smaller degree of regulation is stronger, the regulation is too high will cause oscillations, but the regulation is too small and not to play important role in.


  積分調節規律是調節器輸出的變化量與偏差隨時(shí)間的積分成比例。它是用來(lái)消除余差。特征常數為積分時(shí)間,積分時(shí)間越小,積分作用越強,積分作用太強會(huì )引起振蕩。

微分調節規律是調節器的輸出與輸入偏差變化的速度成比例。它是用來(lái)克服調節對象的大時(shí)間常數和容量滯后的影響。特征常數為微分時(shí)間,微分時(shí)間越大,微分作用越強,太大也會(huì )引起振蕩。

Integral control law is the variation and deviation of the regulator output with time proportional to the integral. It is used to eliminate the residual error. Characteristic constant of integration time, integration time is smaller, more strong integral, integral effect is too strong will cause oscillation.

微分調節規律是調節器的輸出與輸入偏差變化的速度成比例。它是用來(lái)克服調節對象的大時(shí)間常數和容量滯后的影響。特征常數為微分時(shí)間,微分時(shí)間越大,微分作用越強,太大也會(huì )引起振蕩。

Differential regulation law is the input and output deviation change regulator is proportional to the velocity of. It is used to overcome the regulating object of large time constant and capacity lag. Character constant differential time, differential time bigger, stronger differential effect, too much will cause oscillation.

標簽:湘潭離心機 | 活塞推料離心機 | 臥螺卸料離心機