
 13873100421@139.com   13873100421(戴)
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2014/6/26來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng )查看次數:2287次

簡(jiǎn)述:故障現象:離心機是醫院和科研機構必不可的 重要設備之一,它的好壞直接影響到被離心物的離心質(zhì)量"本人在檢修一臺速度不穩的離心機時(shí),發(fā)現無(wú)論是高速還是低速都不穩定"


    故障檢修:該離心機是一臺直流式調速電機,其速度的快慢是通過(guò)可調電阻改變可控硅的導通角度,再由可控硅控制整流后到達電機兩端的電壓,以達到控制速度的目的"電機轉速不穩,從原理上分析,以下四種情況都有可能" Fault phenomenon: centrifuge is a hospital and research institutions will not be


One of the important equipment, it has a direct impact on the quality of "by centrifugal centrifugal compound I in the maintenance of a speed instability, that whether high or low is not stable"


Troubleshooting: the centrifuge type motor is a DC, its speed is adjustable resistance change through the thyristor conduction angle, then the controlled silicon controlled rectifier to voltage of two ends of the motor, in order to control the speed of the motor speed instability ", from the principle of the analysis, the following four kinds of circumstances there may be"


(1) the adjustable resistor, the adjustable resistor is arranged on the control panel, use frequency is very high, a long time, contact undesirable situation is very common"


(2) silicon controlled problems also many, usually short circuit, open circuit, cannot trigger or internal bad contact "


(3) four rectifier diodes in a only"


(4) between the motor rotor and commutator or brush carbon itself "in poor repair Principle difficult first easy hind, the first measurement of adjustable resistance, resistance with regulation and regular changes, that is to measure the potentiometer SCR good" did not find the problem "in the measurement of four rectifier diodes, found there is a HERSHEY'S bad, because the diode is the current gold seal tube" end fastening screws on the circuit board, the other end with wire soldered to the circuit board "removed from the circuit board, found that the negative pole loosening, again while measuring a shaking, confirmed that the diode HERSHEY'S bad" because the pipe model cannot see, the same specifications pipe installed, electricity power speed quickly, just think the tube breakdown, remove measuring intact "measurement of the other three diodes are normal" but in the comparison measurement, found the diode plus or minus two types of opposite polarity (i.e. end screw with positive polarity, also have negative polarity) "so when installed, must pay attention to the best use of the same model with the specifications of the components," when replaced with same specification and same type components, power test machine, everything back to normal"


標簽:湘潭離心機 | 活塞推料離心機 | 臥螺卸料離心機